The Median Keepers

Green Thumbs Keep the Median Looking Fresh

9 years ago
  • Environment
  • Median
  • Volunteer

The Indianapolis Ambassadors adopted a median on 86th Street between Park and Broadway six years ago and since then The Median Keepers have made great strides to help keep Indianapolis beautiful.  Typically we meet at Hotcakes Emporium for breakfast at 8am on the last Sunday of warm months and have a great time socializing over pancakes, eggs, or whatever you fancy.  Around 9am we take a short drive east to the median.  We are thankful that First Baptist Church allows us to park in their back parking lot and carry our things to the median, just across the street from their church.  We have had a dedicated group of volunteers, The Median Keepers, since we started but are always looking for more volunteers!!  Come out and join us for some fun, community, and maybe a little work.

Wondering what we do at the median?  We pull weeds, deadhead flowers, cut grass, plant flowers (donated or transplanted by members), and spread mulch (donated by members).  Bring some tools if you have them (pruners, rake, trash bags, gloves, etc.)  If you don’t have tools don’t worry, we likely have enough for you!  Volunteers work for about one to two hours at the median.  If you can give just a little bit of time, we’ll take it!  If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry…our experienced Median Keepers will help you along the way!

Did you hear the news??  We are going to start a Saturday volunteer clean-up day!!!  We think the median needs more attention than once a month.  We will alternate the Saturday volunteer day with the Sunday volunteer day so we can be out there two times each month!  Don’t forget, if you are an IA member, you get volunteer credit for volunteering and helping beautify Indianapolis.  Consider joining us for a clean-up day.  Sign up on the IA website today!

Next Volunteer Day is Sunday July 21st.

I hope to see you at breakfast and at the median!

– Sarah Fisher (IA member and median keeper)

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