Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana (BBBSCI) serves 1,100+ youth annually through mentoring relationships. We believe that inherent in every young person is the potential to thrive, and we partner with parents/caregivers, volunteers, schools, and the donors in our community to help you achieve:
BBBSCI is committed to ongoing learning and growth in the space of justice, equity, diversity, & inclusion (JEDI). Together, we affirm that every person should have the opportunity to reach their full, inherent potential in an environment where everybody feels respected and valued.
A “Big” is a caring individual, aged 19 years or older (no cut off on age), who is interested in being a part of a child’s life at least 4-6 hours per month which is 2+ hangouts per month, for a minimum of one year.
A “Big” is simply another positive, supportive adult outside of the child’s home that the child can spend time with, explore new things, and work towards goals together.
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